The SkyBlue Constraint Solver
Author: Michael Sannella
Published as UW Tech Report 92-07-02.
A constraint describes a relationship that should be maintained, for
example that the equality A+B=C holds between three variables, that a set
of displayed objects are aligned, or that the elements in a data structure
are consistent with a graphic display of this structure. Constraint
solvers have been successfully applied to problems in computer graphics
including geometric design and user interface construction. This paper
presents the SkyBlue constraint solver, an efficient incremental algorithm
that uses local propagation to maintain sets of required and preferential
constraints. SkyBlue is a successor to the DeltaBlue algorithm, which was
used as the constraint solver in the ThingLab II user interface development
environment. DeltaBlue has two limitations: cycles of constraints are
prohibited, and the procedures used to satisfy a constraint can only have a
single output. SkyBlue relaxes these restrictions, allowing cycles of
constraints to be constructed (although SkyBlue may not be able to satisfy
all of the constraints in a cycle) and supporting multi-output methods.
The SkyBlue algorithm has been incorporated into Multi-Garnet, an extended
version of the Garnet user interface development system that supports
multi-way constraints. Multi-Garnet has been used to build several user
interfaces exploiting the features of SkyBlue that would have been
difficult to build within Garnet. This paper describes the basic SkyBlue
algorithm and outlines several techniques that significantly improve its
performance for large constraint graphs. Performance measurements are
presented demonstrating that SkyBlue is efficient enough to use in
interactive user interfaces.
full tech report (compressed postscript)
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