The OTI Constraint Solver: A Constraint Library for Constructing
Interactive Graphical User Interfaces
Authors: Alan Borning and Bjorn N. Freeman-Benson
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Principles and
Practice of Constraint Programming, September 1995, Ugo Montanari and
Francesca Rossi (eds), Springer LNCS 976, pages 624-628.
ENVY/Constraints is an IBM/Smalltalk library that provides a constraint
satisfier and a collection of useful constraints, targeted at developing
interactive graphical user interfaces. The solver supports multi-way
constraints and constraint hierarchies. It uses a hybrid algorithm,
combining local propagation with pluggable cycle solvers, allowing
constraints to range over arbitrary objects, while at the same time
satisfying constraints representing simultaneous equations over the reals.
full paper (compressed postscript)
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