Ultraviolet: A Constraint Satisfaction Algorithm
for Interactive Graphics
Authors: Alan Borning and Bjorn N. Freeman-Benson
In CONSTRAINTS: An International Journal, Special Issue on
Constraints, Graphics, and Visualization, Vol. 3 No. 1, April 1998, pages
Ultraviolet is a constraint satisfaction algorithm intended for
use in interactive graphical applications. It is capable of solving
constraints over arbitrary domains using local propagation, and inequality
constraints and simultaneous linear equations over the reals. To support
this, Ultraviolet is a hybrid algorithm that allows different subsolvers to
be used for different parts of the constraint graph, depending on graph
topology and kind of constraints. In addition, Ultraviolet and its
subsolvers support plan compilation, producing efficient compiled code that
can be evaluated repeatedly to resatisfy a given collection of constraints
for different input values.
full paper: pdf;
compressed postscript
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